Are you better off paying down debt or investing?
This pay off debt or invest calculator may help you decide which is the best choice.
If you have some extra funds and you're wondering if it's better to pay more towards your debt or invest that amount, our calculator can help you with that decision. Enter the amount you owe, the interest rate for both your existing loan and the savings rate you could receive, along with the extra amount you have. After the calculation, we'll show results for how quickly the existing loan could be paid off using the additional funds versus how much you could potentially save in interest.
Payoff debt vs. investing
All fields are required. If something doesn't apply, place a 0 in the field.
Original loan payment
New loan payment
New number of payments remaining
Total original debt payment
Total new debt payment
Total interest saved
If you invest the amount saved monthly
Total deposit
Future value
If more is paid on loan
Total deposit
Future value
By increasing your loan payment by $xxx per month you could save $xxx in interest and payoff the loan in xxx months.
During those same xxx months, you could earn $xxx in interest if you saved.
By contributing $xxx more per month you could earn $xxx in interest over xxx months. During that same time, you would pay $xxx in interest on the debt.